Sunday, September 19, 2010

section 36.THE POPULATION EXPLOSION: why we should care and what to do about it.

Since the collision with an extraterrestial object extirpated the dinosaurs as well as the earth's flora and fauna, a serious crisis or a biological catastrophe has seen the light. The latter concerns the disappearance of populations, species of animals, microorganisms and the overpopulation of civilization in human life. Population explosion, a term that only few understand its significant. Why is the population explosion being so important, and how it operates, and what should be done about it are the next three questions to be answered.
First and foremost, the most important consequences of overpopulation are not manifested in, for instance, the flow of the refugees flow from Mexico to California, nor the resultant strain on schools and health budgets even though there is a population component in these issues. Moreover, in some nations, population problems are viewed to the great extent as issues of the reproductive rights of individuals. However, these views fail to meet the main point.


       A strong reason to care about the population explosion is its contribution  to extend the human enterprise scale and as a result to humanity's impact on the environmental systems that support civilization. I=P.A.T ( (P)= the number of people. (A) per capita affluence. (T) index of the environmental damage caused by the technologies applied to serve the consumption). All these component serve to measure the environmental impact (I).

Most of a society's environmentally damaging activities are linked with the use of Energy at the highest levels. Activities that engage manufacture and powering of vehicles, applied constructing and maintaining infrastructure, lighting and heating. As well as other activities such as converting forests into other kinds of utilities. The formula mentioned before has, indeed, some drawbacks shown in 2 imperfections regarding energy which are underestimating and overestimating environmental impacts at the same time. During the time when per capita energy consumption has increased about five fold globally, the population has grown itself is then obvious that population unchecked growth can be highly regarded to be responsible for 45% of humanity's environmental peril. The impact are as the following: widespread habitat destruction to overcome the urban sprawl, modification of the composition and processes of the atmosphere, groundwater, soil erosion, disruption of the hydro, carbon and Nitrogen cycles...

humanity is “sawing off the limb on which it perches”, and trends such as the loss of half of the planet's forests, the depletion of most of its major fisheries and the alteration of its atmosphere and climate are closely related to the fact that human population expanded from mere millions in prehistoric times to over six billion today.

a) move toward an optimum sustainable population size, considering the current conditions, it is appraised that upper bound of an optimum population, that permits for a maximum quality rather than quantity of life in the long run. Which is literary around one third of the current number.
b) to waver the unbalanced energy distribution, using 13 terawatts has came to a point where humanity has developed an unsustainable civilization. In fact, 5.8 billion people today are maintained by this 13(tW), with a billion in extreme deficiency
c) maintaining the soil, fossil groundwater and biodiversity, as soils only generate on a scale of inches per millennium are being eroded at the pace of inches per decade with an annual rate of twenty five billion tons of lost topsoil. Groundwater that accumulated during the ice ages is also being argued to be drawn off. Taking as an example the Ogallala aquifer, which is being pumped at a pace of four to six feet per year to irrigate crop fields and only naturally recharged at a rate of about one hald inch per year.
d) control and manage birth rates and gain awareness of the serious issue of overpopulation by people. 

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